Frequently Asked Questions

Find answers to some of the questions that pop in your mind

What is the meaning of cygnus?

Cygnus is a constellation in the sky which resembles a swan, and yeah, you guessed it right!!! Our logo is based on it!

What's the list of devices that you officially support?

Our supported devices are on the download part on this site. Feel free to check it out.

My device isn't on the list. Can you add it? Can you support x device?

If your device isn't here but there are builds for it, then those are Unofficial builds. We add devices if device maintainers apply for them. And if we don't have a maintainer for a device, we can't support it.

How can I apply for maintainership?

Feel free to fill this form. We'll contact you in a while.

I got some bug fixes. Do you have gerrit or some other way to send my commits to you?

Such bug fixes/feature requests are always welcome, create a PR on our GitHub repositories, if we find them well and fine, we will merge it :)